A good story is the kind of story that makes you want to get into the workshop and build. During our initial chats here in the workshop around the idea's behind our Earnest Profiles, it was for this reason exactly that made us start digging deeper to find these stories worth telling.
This week we sit down with the man that will tell you that story.
It was the truck that first caught our eye. From the very first glimpse you'll start to notice that the work carried out on it was different. From the detailed CNC heavy interior and unique hand-shaped fender extensions, to the Japanese wheels tucked tightly underneath the low slung American body, we knew the hands that put this particular '46 Ford together would have a story behind them worth telling.
And we were beyond right...meet Sam Haring.
1. What is work to you?
Maintenance generally, I've collected too many projects for one man to accomplish all at once. My cars and bikes break, this is propagated by my long drive to work and back.
I've modified and built cars in different configurations (most of the time slammed to the ground) for different reasons, most of the time by myself.
I've wanted a big block 4-speed muscle car since I was a kid, so I traded a CBR600f2 for my buddy's high school 72' Chevelle with a 468ci motor already installed. Later I transplanted the Richmond super T10 4-speed and off I went. I traded the big block partially for a 2006 zx10r and gave the car to my brother to pursue other projects, namely my 1946 Ford. I chopped her up and reassembled the chassis and panels how I wanted it. I have a stock floor and plenty of travel in the suspension, I raised the front end 4 inches and sectioned it 2 inches to stop it from dragging on the ground. This car game goes on endlessly.
2. How did you find yourself here doing the things you do?
It went like this:
Drawings of cars RC cars.
Import cars.
Muscle cars.
All that combined with an equally satisfying appreciation of art - I started drawing as a boy and just ran with it. I went to school for 3D animation and ended up learning I didn't want to be attached to a computer. I worked a few low level graphic design art jobs to pay the bills and after a few years received training in relief sculpture.
It's been my bread and butter for over 10 years but I'm still backup trained to sculpt on CNC. This is what got me into making my own dash and levers for the Ford. I've made multiple parts for bikes and cars with this knowledge.
3. What makes you tick & keeps you doing what you do?
Inspired creativity and a thirst for something more.
4. What other areas do you take inspiration from for your work?
I've played and gigged a multitude of instruments and genres so I'm a super music fan, but I've been hung up on Fugazi for a decade and feel inspired by their voice and yearning to establish the anti-tradition.
5. What are the three tools you couldn't live without?
I've learned to make do and find there are always options for the standard tool. I use my hands and mind and wish to master them someday.
6. What would we find blaring in the background of the shed on any given night?
8. Lastly, what are you working towards in the future?
Less projects/more thoughtful productivity and prolonged focus.
Shot & Edited by Leo Krom.


It's the feeling of driving that has lead Julian to spend his nights tucked away in the workshop building some of the wildest machines you are likely to find at the track.

Sit back and find out what makes James tick as we get to know the man that isn't a stranger to doing things different.